Ubuntu – Installing Avro in 18.04 LTS

18.04ibusibus-avrosoftware installation

How can I install Avro in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS release? I have tried with this method but not working (previously worked in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).

Edit: This question is not a duplicated version of this one. Seems like installing Avro in 18.04 LTS needs some additional steps.

Best Answer

I am using Avro in 18.04 LTS and it's working.

Here is the steps you need to follow.

  1. Go to Language Support. Click install/remove languages.

    Language support dialog

  2. Select Bangla from the list and click apply. After installing Bangla language support you should start installing Avro.

    Installed Languages dialog

  3. The resulting window should look like this:

    Language Support dialog with Bangla

  4. Download and install avro from here on GitHub. I use 2.0 version

    sudo dpkg -i avro_2.0-1_all.deb
  5. You will see some missing packages. To install those, run the following command:

    sudo apt-get install -f
  6. Restart ibus

    ibus restart
  7. Now go to Settings > Region and language > Add an input source > Bangla > Bengali (Avro Phonetic)

    Add an input source dialog

  8. Enjoy typing Bangla in Avro keyboard.