Ubuntu – Installation of WiFi Epson SX235W, 4in1 printer / scanner, on Ubuntu 12.04, 64 bit


I got an Epson Stylus SX235W WiFi printer/scanner and ran into some installation problems:

I got the printer working on an USB cable. Trying to go wireless, I need the printers IP address, but the status sheet tells a lot but for the IP address: "none".

Also the scanner I could not install. What do I need and how do I manage, in simple English (step by step) or Dutch?

Best Answer


  1. For the wifi printer part , insert all cratridges (that's quite obvious :P )
  2. You have two choiches:

    • You use the Epson disk and setup trough Windows, then you watch in you Access Point or Router the IP the printer received.
    • Or (preferred) you can use a router with OTS (or WTS) feature (a button you push to setup a secure network):

      1. press the OTS/WPS button on your wireless router
      2. within 30 seconds press and hold the WiFi button on the Printer until wifi light on the printer will starts flashing
      3. light will turn steady green when connected
      4. check on the router interface (presumably web interface) for the ip assigned to the printer
  3. Now in Ubuntu go to Printers, add Printer, Find a Network printer and there should be.


If you don't find the right driver - or for a better one - you can download it here: http://avasys.jp/eng/linux_driver/download/lsb/epson-inkjet/escp/ and install it with: dpkg -i *.deb


Then for the wifi scanner part you have to install some dependencies and iScan

  • Download and install dependencies (xsltproc and libltdl7):
    sudo apt-get install xsltproc libltdl7

  • Go to http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule and search SX235W for Linux.

  • Download the "network plugin package" and the "core package&data package". You have to accept the license and then you can download the .deb packages. Be sure to download the right packages (amd64 for 64bit and i386 for 32bit PC). At the end you will have these packages:

    iscan_VERSION.ltdl7_ARCH.deb iscan-data_VERSION_all.deb iscan-network-nt_VERSION_ARCH.deb Note that you need iscan for ltdl7 and NOT ltdl3.

  • Install them with dpkg -i iscan*.deb

  • If you connect to the scanner by wireless, then to configure Sane as backend, edit: /etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf inserting net (printer_ip) and then save (where printer_ip is the wireless ip of the printer/scanner)

  • If you connect to the scanner by usb, then to configure Sane as backend, do:
    echo 'SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0885", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes", GROUP="scanner"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/40-scanner.rules

When at home I can use some screenshots to be clearer if you need. Best Regards