Ubuntu – Install Ubuntu touch on x86 tablet


Is there any way to install Ubuntu touch on an x86 tablet? Some images are available for download over there http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending but I don't know if I can somehow download and install them on my tablet.

Best Answer

I am afraid (or hope so?) that all the answers I found so far, searching for the same question, are simply off topic.

Because x86 tablets are NOT ARM devices, those should be regular PCs with some Intel CPU. The only points to answer, should be how to get GRUB in, and whether certain hardware has its drivers. The rest should be the same on tiny 7" x86 tablets, as on any standard desktop - with touch screen, which is just a kind of mouse.

So the partial answer is, NOT ubuntu-touch - do not search for images for ARM CPUs, when yours is Intel x86 (and 64-bit). What is missing is "howto" make that device boot GRUB (perhaps 32-bit EFI?) on certain tablets, and install Ubuntu - "normal" PC Desktop version.

Well, and onscreen keyboard for touch devices, is part of Ubuntu Desktop, its name is "Onboard". And light desktop environments (xfce4, Xubuntu) may be preferred on tiny devices, to avoid slowdown..

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