Ubuntu – install php 5.3 on ubuntu 14.04


I just installed Ubuntu server 14.04, I need to migrate my site from old server Ubuntu 10.04 (which has php 5.3) to the new server,

but currently when i install php using

`apt-get install php` 

i found the installed version is "PHP 5.5", how can i install 5.3?

If it is n't possible, what is the previous possible version of Ubuntu i should downgrade to be compatible with "PHP 5.3"?

Best Answer

I can think of 2 different options:

  1. try the solutions posted in this topic

  2. compile from source, although I wouldn't recommend this because you'll have to recompile after every security update

Btw, have you tried the site under PHP 5.5? Because if everything works well I can't think of any logical reason to downgrade.