Ubuntu – Install all xorg-edgers updates


I'm currently using ubuntu 13.04 and recently got a nvidia gpu. I've found that the easiest way for me to install the driver is to use the xorg-edgers ppa and it works really well.

However, I also get another bunch of updates from them including touchpad drivers, amd drivers, nouveau updates and some stuff i've not even heard of like buffer management and cirrus. Is it safe to install these updates? especially after installing the nvidia driver? I dont wana mess anything up.

If its not safe, is there a way to hide the updates?

Thank You 🙂

Best Answer

As opposed to other answers to this question, the very PPA states that it should be used as a whole and NOT via individual packages (i.e. not pick individual updates, but install all of them).

== Important notice ==

This PPA is currently meant to be used as a whole. Please do not individually install packages from it, add it to your sources and let your package manager pull in every update. The packages here build against each other and compile different features based on whats available at build time. Do not assume that because it lets you install a DDX with just the driver and libdrm update that it will work. These packages are made with scripts that use the the current packages as the base, so some dependencies can be wrong and your package manager will not resolve that for you. If you want to individually install something from here, grab the source and rebuild it in your current environment instead.

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