Ubuntu – Install 17.10 on 32 bit machine


The new 17.10 only has 64 bit ISOs. However 32 bit is still supported, there just are no live ISOs for it.

I have a 32 bit machine with WIFI, and I need to install from a USB disk. I tried the "mini.iso" but it doesn't have WIFI support.

What options do I have?

(PS I don't want another distro, and I can't use ethernet for installation, must be WIFI).

Best Answer

Install Xubuntu 32-bit. After it's installed, install the Ubuntu desktop system package:

sudo apt install -y ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-wallpapers ubuntu-wallpapers-artful   
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3   

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 will open up a new window allowing you to select gdm as the default login display manager. Select gdm3 and reboot.

sudo apt remove lightdm-gtk-greeter   
sudo reboot
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