I was trying to watch a DVD on my Ubuntu laptop, however, whenever I insert the disc, the CD/DVD drive icon on the Computer pane disappears, seems that it cannot detect what type of disc was inserted.
I am running on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and new to these things as I used to be comfortable with Windows doing the things for me.
IMMEDIATE HELP WILL BE APPRECIATED as I just borrowed this DVD from a mate who allowed me to watch it until I finish the episodes inside the CD.
Best Answer
You may need to add the correct codecs for DVD Playback, They do not come with the Live Ubuntu CD
First Install the Medibuntu Repositories Medibuntu repository provides all the playback and encoding capabilities that most Windows and Mac systems contain, but which Ubuntu’s creators decline to include by default in their systems, due to licensing restrictions and a lack of open-source code for those features. If you just want to get AAC playback, copyright DVDs playing, and newer versions of all the audio, video, and font files, load Medibuntu into your system.
Open your Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T), copy and paste these 3 lines (one at a time):
If you are running a 32-bit version of Ubuntu, copy and paste in Terminal:
If you are running a 64-bit version of Ubuntu, copy and paste in Terminal:
Once Completed you will be able to play DVDs.