Inkscape TexText – How to Use Inkscape with TexText


I am trying to install the package TexText on Ubuntu, such that I can type Latex in certain gaphs. I followed these instructions, but when I open Inkscape I do not have the option Latex in the Extensions menu… Can anyone help me diagnose this problem?

Best Answer

I installed TexText and it works fine for me. I am using UBUNTU 13.10 and Ink-scape version 0.48

Here what I have done:
=> First install Inkscape
=> Download latest TexText version from here
=> Now extract downloaded tar.gz file and copy all files inside ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/
=> Now pstoedit extension is require to install (Go to Ubuntu software center > Search for Inkscape > Click on More info > Scroll down > Under Optional add-on pstoedit can be found > Check it > Click on Apply Changes)

enter image description here

=> Restart Inkscape and Now you can see Tex Text option under Extension menu. Select Extension > Tex Text

enter image description here

=> Open Gedit or your any favourite text editor.


Save as anyname.ini

=> Now inside TexText

1. For Preamble file browse and select anyname.ini

2. Change Scale factor if you want. I changed it to 6.50

3. Inside text paste any latex text such as

Hello world!
Have you yet checked out my new integral equations?
 \[ M^\bot = \{ f \in V' : f(m) = 0 \mbox{ for all } m \in M \}.\] 

4. Click OK and That's it enter image description here