Ubuntu – Inkscape: How to make a multi-paged document in it


I've picked Inkscape as a replacement of CorelDRAW on my Windows. It's free, so of course there have to be a few backdrops in face of its mighty ability to create perfect XML code for images. However, suppose I want to create a 10-paged documentary on Indian politics. Or anything. Now, how do I do it?

Making a folder and saving each page separately as an .svg file would be messy. So my question is this:

How can I, given that I can in the first place, make a multi-paged document with Inkscape? Even if the answer is "No, you can't," please say so in an answer.

Best Answer

Today there is no native multi-page support in Inkscape due to limitations of the strictly implemented SVG specifications (multi-page support was only introduced in SVG 1.2. draft which was never released but dropped in favour of the upcoming SVG 2.0).

To overcome this an external plugin inkscape-pages provides multi-page support through generating a master page with links to subpages. However this plugin will not produce SVG 2.0 code for future compatibility. Nevertheless it will help creating multiple pages for later export to PDF (e.g. with the help of pdftk Install pdftk ).