Ubuntu – Inkscape “Export Bitmap…” not working


When I click "Export Bitmap..." in File menu or even from shortcut it brings no effect, no popup, no error.

I use Inkscape on Ubuntu 14.04.

Regarding to your answers: yes, program restart does help, but this prevents you from work if you have over a dozen of images to export and you have to restart every time.

Best Answer

My best guess is that your dialog window disappeared outside the view of your screen. I had this occur both under Windows and Linux (especially when using dual monitors). Remove your personal settings and restart Inkscape. Under Ubuntu: just remove this folder: ~/.config/inkscape (the folder inkscape in the hidden folder .config in your home directory).

Just as a sidenote, sidebar dialogs can have 3 states: open and closed (the normal ones), but also: collapsed. When the export window is collapsed, you'll see "Export PNG Image (Shift+Ctrl+E)" in the right of your screen, vertically written. If the dialog is collapsed, it won't open by calling the menu. You then have to click on the item title.

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