Ubuntu – Indicator displaying current CPU frequency and usage


Unfortunately, it seems that cpufreq indicator is only showing an icon indicating proportional frequency instead of precise number I would like to see.

Is there any indicator showing actual CPU frequency real time? Maybe for each core?

Ideally I would like to see both the frequency and usage per core but answers to this question:

Is there an application indicator for CPU usage by core?

suggest that usage per core is out for reach right now.

Best Answer

You may use indicator-sysmonitor for such custom indicator

  1. Install indicator-sysmonitor

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install indicator-sysmonitor
  2. Run it

  3. Click on its indicator → Preferences → Advanced tab
  4. Click New:

    Sensor:freq Command:awk '/cpu MHz/{printf(" %d",$4)}' /proc/cpuinfo

  5. Change the new sensor to label: cpu: {cpu} mem: {mem} freq:{freq}.
  6. Save

    indicator-sysmonitor cpu cores frequency
