Ubuntu – Ignoring BGRT: invalid status 0 (expected 1)


I've created a 15.10 Ubuntu USB drive and booting off it with an ASUS Rampage IV Black Edition motherboard, I get:

Ignoring BGRT: invalid status 0 (expected 1)

and then nothing. I've become really frustrated trying to get a stable BIOS config with this motherboard (every boot produces an Overclocking failed! message and none of the even low-key default options avoid this message with an i7 3930K – this board rules as the hardest motherboard I have ever configured in the last 10 years!) and now it can't boot a vanilla 15.10 USB drive. I'd really value some help..


I found the solution. See below.

Best Answer

As an alternative to waiting, add the boot parameter nomodeset to grub during boot. This can be done by pressing e on the grub menu entry and then inserting nomodeset on the Linux line.

This seems to be a problem caused by the most recent kernel and Nouveau, not Ubuntu.

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