Ubuntu – I see gnome-screensaver lock screen instead of unity one. What happened and how to fix it


For a long time in 14.04.1 LTS I see gnome-screensaver lock screen instead of unity-greeter (or which one is the latest and greatest?). I've already tried to dpkg-reconfigure lightdm and dpkr-reconfigure unity-greeter. It doesn't help. And there's no lockscreen selection dropdown in CCSM's Unity plugin preferences (but I've faced screenshots with it on webupd8). Simple uninstalling of gnome-screensaver also didn't work. How can I enable/revert back unity lock screen?

p.s. dm-tool switch-to-greeter or dm-tool lock also work both and after successful screen unlock I see gnome-screensaver unlock screen, so I'm unlocking screen twice.

Best Answer

It turned out that screen reader (like in my case) and on-screen keyboard can cause this. Had to disable all tools in System settings/Universal access.