Ubuntu – I need to import pictures twice in Shotwell


I am importing photos in Shotwell folder by folder, adding tags and titles. All was going well but suddenly after selecting a folder using import in file, there is a box asking if I want to cancel, copy photos or import in place.

I choose import and then get another box saying:

1 non-image file skipped

and then there is no copying and I need to go to file again and redo the process, now it will copy and import.

How can I get rid of this bug? I tried restarting but that doesn't work.

Best Answer

I had the same problem.

Shotwell used to compare md5; see How does Shotwell detect duplicates?.

I could not find how to set variable NO_DUPE_DETECTION. The only solution for me was to change the md5 PhotoTable field of the table using

sqlite3 ~/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db  "update phototable set md5=''"

You can add a function to .bashrc

rmmd5 ()
sqlite3 ~/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db  "update phototable set md5=''"

and run it every time you import.