Ubuntu – I cannot delete files from root’s Trash


I deleted some large files from nautilus launched as sudo. They still show in /home/.Trash-0/files/<foldername>
when I type sudo sh -c "du -h /home | grep -P '[0-9]G\t'" but when I type sudo rm /home/.Trash-0/files/* I get the message:

rm: cannot remove `/home/.Trash-0/files/*': No such file or directory

I was able to delete individual files with their exact file names in place of *, but when I used *, it gave the error message as above. I do not want to have to delete them all individually if I can help it.

Best Answer

[Taken from Thread: I can't empty the trash as a user]

(Solution posted works in Ubuntu 13.10.)

The Trash folder is a hidden folder(the folders name begins with a period) in your home directory. You can press Ctrl+H in nautilus or select Show Hidden Folder from the View menu to list the hidden folders.

You can open nautilus in the .Trash folder:

gksu nautilus ~/.Trash

in Hardy Heron the Trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash/files/

gksu nautilus ~/.local/share/Trash/files/

Select the items you want to delete in the folder.


You can delete the content of the folder from the terminal:

sudo rm -fr ~/.Trash/*

Hardy Heron:

sudo rm -fr ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*

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