Ubuntu – Howto to move window to another monitor on the left/right using keyboard shortcut


I have always used Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left/Right to move windows from left to right monitors.

Installed Ubuntu 18.04 last week (fresh install) and it appears that this is not working anymore despite the fact I had configured them like this in the Keyboard settings.

I'm guessing these shortcuts are already in use somewhere, but I have no clue where…
They are not listed in the Keyboard settings though and it does not indicate any kind of conflict.

Anyone knows how I can get this the way I want it ?

So to be perfectly clear. I've set Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left/Right > keyboard…
But when hitting the shortcut keys, nothing happens.

Best Answer

In 18.04, the default hotkeys for moving windows to another monitor are Shift + Super + Arrow. Each arrow will correspond to the location of the destination monitor relative to where the focused window is.

Also, are you saying that you do not see a list of hotkeys in Settings > Devices > Keyboard?
I assume you are using gnome-control-center.