Ubuntu – How tonstall Lubuntu 12.04 on a USB drive (the full installation)


I want to install Lubuntu on my 32GB flash drive, but I don't know how.

I know a little bit about partitioning. When I go into GParted, my USB drive comes up as /dev/sdb. I already wiped it completely. There's no partitions on it at all.

I have two questions though:

  1. Is it safe to have a swap partition on a USB drive?

  2. How many partitions do I need to create, and what type of partition do they need to be (ext3, ext4)?

Best Answer

If you want to install to a USB drive you should be able to do it like any other install. Boot a LiveCD, install to the USB drive instead of the internal HDD.

You should also be able to do it with most Live USB Creators. It creates a HDD "file" with the remainder of the space. You can generally select the size of the disk with a slider or enter in MB.
You can see here it talks about Persistance. The only difference here is that, I believe, you can't do distro upgrades.

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