Ubuntu – How tonstall Eclipse with the ADT (Android Development Tool) on Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit


There is the Android documentation:


And there is this WordPress blog I found:


Neither worked for me out of the box. But by piecing together bits and pieces from other sources, I think I have managed to configure Eclipse to run with the ADT plugin. I will post a step-by-step guide here with my source.

There is also this nicely detailed step-by-step guide for Ubuntu 10.10 listed in another question that deserves mention:


Again, I don't think the steps listed there will work for 11.10 64-bit, but it offers an excellent overview of the process in general.

Best Answer

1. Install Java Packages

2. Install ia32-libs

3. Select Correct Version of JVM using update-alternative

(install update-alternative with apt-get if necessary)

4. Install Eclipse

I installed this version as recommended by google:

5. Install SDK Start Package

I just followed the Android docs here:

6. Install Android Platforms

7. Install ADT Plugin

Follow steps for downloading and configuring:

8. Add these lines to bottom of .bashrc

  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/8693384/1093087

    export PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdks/platform-tools
    export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=~/android-sdks/platform-tools

    To edit:

    gedit ~.bashrc

    type in lines above with correct paths:

    source ~/.bashrc`   

9. Restart Eclipse

If successful, you should see no errors on startup and console panel will say: Android

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