Ubuntu – How to you update less css compiler to the latest version from apt-get


You can install less css compiler easy:

apt-get install lessc

But that only installs version 1.1.0. How can you update to the very latest version?

(The latest version is 1.3.0)

— update —

  • I want to use the lessc command-line tool, not the client-side implentation.

Best Answer

Are you using it client-side (in the browser)? If so, it's a single JavaScript file, just download it.

If you're using it server-side (from a NodeJS application), or want the lessc command-line tool, the recommended way to install is using npm (the Node Package Manager):

npm install less

If you don't have npm, it's in the Ubuntu 11.10 repositories:

sudo apt-get install npm

or Using Software Center Install npm via the software center