Ubuntu – How to you do a full system scan with ClamAV on Ubuntu only


I have both Ubuntu and Windows on my computer and when I do a full system scan, it scans Windows files too (and first). Is there a way to scan all the files only on Ubuntu?

Best Answer

Easily you have to exclude the windows partition

clamscan -rv --exclude=/path-to-mounting-point-of-windows-files 

Or just unmount the windows disk


Determine the windows disk/partition

sudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS

for example you'll get result such as

/dev/sdc1   *        2048  1953521663   976759808    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

Thus the disk/partition for windows is /dev/sdc1.

Now you should determine what is the mounting point of this partition

mount | grep /dev/sdc1 

The output would be like

/dev/sdc1 on /media/Windows type ext4 (rw)

Then the mounting point is /media/Windows

Now you can run the command again

clamscan -rv --exclude=/media/Windows