Ubuntu – How to write shell script to start some programs

bashcommand linescripts

I'm making a shell script that will start bunch on programs that l mostly use. I wants commands for them the programs are-
1. skype
2. sublime-text
3. google-chrome
4. Beyond-comopare
5. scudCloud
6. Lampp

i've found some of them-

#! /bin/sh
sudo service mysql stop
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
sudo /usr/bin/skype start
sudo /usr/bin/subl start
sudo google-chrome

I know the application can be set from startup application also but i need to run some command also.

After running command bash shell script will run.

Best Answer

Your script with further two entries:

$ cat launchscript.sh
#! /bin/sh
sudo service mysql stop
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
sudo /usr/bin/skype start
sudo /usr/bin/subl start
sudo google-chrome
sudo scudcloud 
sudo bcompare

Make it executable:

sudo chmod +x launchscript.sh

Run it:

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