Ubuntu – How to verify the PGP downloaded signature of the TrueCrypt setup file with Seahorse


I have successfully completed steps 1-4 in an attempt to verify the PGP signature of a downloaded TrueCrypt setup file. But I can't figure out how to complete step 5 using Seahorse.

Does anyone know how to verify the downloaded signature using seahorse? I downloaded the .sig file to my desktop.

To verify a PGP signature, follow these steps:

  1. Create a private PGP key
  2. Download our PGP public key from our server.
  3. Sign the imported key with your private key to mark it as trusted.
  4. Download the digital signature
  5. Verify the downloaded signature

Best Answer

I do not think you can do all of the steps with Seahorse and the seahorse plugins do not seem to be maintained beyond 11.04.

Create a gpg key

Start seahorse , under the main menu New -> Create a new GPG key

New gpg key

Fill in the subsequent information and password

Info passwd

2) Download the PGP key from Truecrypt You can do this with any browser, save the file where you wish. For this tutorial I will use Downloads in your home directory.


The file is called "TrueCrypt-Foundation-Public-Key.asc"


3) With seahorse, import and sign the key

In the seahorse menu -> File -> Import

Select the truecrypt key ( "TrueCrypt-Foundation-Public-Key.asc" )

Now sign the key as trusted

Under the "other" tab, select the truecrypt key and sign it as trusted

Trust 1

Trust 2

Trust 3

4) Download the truecrypt PGP signature from here, save it in Downloads


5) As far as I know, you can only verify the signature from the command line

cd ~/Desktop
~/Desktop$ gpg truecrypt-7.1a-linux-x86.tar.gz.sig --verify truecrypt-6.2a-ubuntu-x86.tar.gz

Should yield

gpg: Good signature from "TrueCrypt Foundation "

See also http://mindlev.wordpress.com/2009/09/07/verifying-the-truecrypt-installer-package-on-ubuntu/

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