Ubuntu – How to verify DDCLIENT is using SSL and if it’s not, how to force it


I have been following this guide on setting up VPN on my pi. Part of the steps are to set up and configure a dynamic dns service. I have created several accounts across multiple platforms. No Ip and dynamicdns are two to name. Below is an output of my ddclient.conf file, it connects fine on both dynamic dns sites.

daemon=60                               # check every 60 seconds
syslog=yes                              # log update msgs to syslog
mail=root                               # mail all msgs to root
mail-failure=root                       # mail failed update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid               # record PID in file.
ssl=yes                                 # use ssl-support.  Works with
                                        # ssl-library
use=web, web=myip.dnsdynamic.com        # get ip from server.
server=www.dnsdynamic.org               # default server
login=YOURUSERNAME                      # default login
password=YOURPASSWORD                       # default password
server=www.dnsdynamic.org,              \
protocol=dyndns2                        \

My issue is that in this article, they illustrate how to verify if your pi is connecting over SSL. When I run

sudo ddclient -verbose -debug -noquiet -query 

it shows connecting over HTTP vs HTTPS or SSL for each site. I verified that ssl was installed by running

sudo apt-get install ssh libio-socket-ssl-perl

Any ideas on if it's connecting via ssl or how I can force it to? I have ran through this article too. I did see that ddclient stated that it would use SSL if available, I'm wondering if this is a limitation to using a free dynamicdns site or if I'm overlooking something. The articles made it appear as though the sites I'm using like no ip and dnsdynamic support SSL.

Best Answer

I have found the answer and I feel very silly not figuring it out earlier.

daemon=60                               # check every 60 seconds
syslog=yes                              # log update msgs to syslog
mail=root                               # mail all msgs to root
mail-failure=root                       # mail failed update msgs to root
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid               # record PID in file.
ssl=yes                                 # use ssl-support.  Works with
                                        # ssl-library
use=web, web=https://myip.dnsdynamic.org        # get ip from server.
server=www.dnsdynamic.org               # default server
login=USERNAME                          # default login
password=PASSWORD                       # default password
server=www.dnsdynamic.org,              \
protocol=dyndns2                        \

The above will force SSL and will connect over SSL. There are two changes I have made.

The line use=web, web=myip.dnsdynamic.com should be use=web, web=https://myip.dnsdynamic.org. Changing from .com to .org stops connection failures. Adding https:// prior to the connection string allows it to connect over SSL.

Output from use=web, web=myip.dnsdynamic.org shows:

use=web, web=loopia address is IPADDRESSISHERE
CONNECT:  myip.dnsdynamic.org
SENDING:   Host: myip.dnsdynamic.org
SENDING:   User-Agent: ddclient/3.8.2
SENDING:   Connection: close

Output from use=web, web=https://myip.dnsdynamic.org shows:

use=web, web=loopia address is IPADDRESSISHERE
CONNECT:  myip.dnsdynamic.org

The verification of cert '/C=US/O=GeoTrust Inc./CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA/CN=www.dnsdynamic.org'
failed against the host 'myip.dnsdynamic.org' with the default verification scheme.


To stop this warning you might need to set SSL_verifycn_name to
the name of the host you expect in the certificate.

SENDING:   Host: myip.dnsdynamic.org
SENDING:   User-Agent: ddclient/3.8.2
SENDING:   Connection: close

I am still unsure why forcing ssl=yes does not cause it to use HTTPS automatically but it is connecting over SSL now and the command as seen by @George helps me verify it is: sudo ddclient -verbose -debug -noquiet -query