Ubuntu – How to use ubuntu server full screen in virtualbox


I have installed Ubuntu server 12.4 in Oracle Virtual box, after completing installation, i cant use the Ubuntu server in full screen,guest additions present in virtual box will work in ubuntu server.

Best Answer

You can have the ubuntu server console in VirtualBox start at a resolution that your graphic card supports via the virtualbox environment.

Quick Steps

  • Check the resolutions your graphic card supports via the VirtualBox Environment (VBE).You should be able to find that out by issuing the command 'vbeinfo' in the GRUB console (hit the C key when the GRUB boot menu shows up).

  • Pick one resolution, then open '/etc/default/grub' (e.g. sudo vim /etc/default/grub) and change the line #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 to something like this GRUB_GFXMODE=1152x864 (where 1152x864 should be your custom resolution which is also supported by your graphic card).

  • Now run these two commands one-by-one:

    sudo update-grub
    sudo reboot

You should now see your VM's console in the custom resolution that you just set.

(PS: As Javier Rivera said, full screen resolution may not be possible.)