Ubuntu – How to use the laptop as a screen for PS3


I have a ASUS M51Tr laptop with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series graphic card. I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 and privative controllers. I want to use the HDMI port to play PS3 as if the laptop was a screen.
Note: I don't want any kind of PS3 emulator or that sort of things.
Thank you.

Best Answer

I would love to be proven wrong, because it would be frickin sweet to use your laptop to display game console output. But. The HDMI port is an output. All it does is send stuff from the graphics card to whatever is plugged into it. Same thing goes for the PS3. If you plug your PS3 into it, they're just gonna sit there sending output signals at each other.

Check out the specs for your card. I don't see anything about it having an input port.

What MAY be possible, and lofi, is installing a TV tuner card to your computer and using the antenna input on the TV tuner card to take the coax output from your PS3.

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