Ubuntu – How to use syslog for else output ( show up with whois – query )

bashcommand linenetworking

There is log-file /var/log/syslog
with the output of ip-addresses
like e.g. SRC=

I want to scan from this file every printed address in SRC= ... and then to make query with whois (SRC= ...).

This query should be monitored.

Mine attempt is wrong and looks like this in a bash-script:


while [ 1 ]
    grep ‘SRC=ip-address’ /var/log/syslog >> /home/$user/topsecret001/pitbull001.txt;
    whois ‘SRC=ip-address’ >> /home/$user/topsecret001/pitbull002.txt;

Can somebody help with a trick ? How should I define ip-address and how can
I use command whois with this ip-address ?

The output of /var/log/syslog looks like this snippet here :


The output of /var/log/syslog looks like this – when there is a little alert (like today) :


Idea would be too – to perform a whois-query only if there is "invalid state" popping up in the line of the scrolling syslog.

Thank you for your contributions. I have learnt something by your codes. Often the solutions are looking easier than thought like here – cause I thought it would be more difficulty. I think with recent contribution of enzotib then this question is solved already now.

see new comment of today (22nd June 2016) referring to 16.04 :

because this bash-script was for times of ipv4 – does then /etc/sysctl.conf needs to be un-commented to enable ipv4 ? – then this script would run ? otherwise there is no whois-output any more like before. Have checked this with uncommenting line 28 and line 33 of /etc/sysctl.conf – then this bash-script in this thread would work, but deliver very few output because provider has enabled firewall (because of no-spy-act ?). This way by this addition of 22nd June 2016 this thread is actualized for 16.04

Best Answer

Yet another solution:

awk '{ 
      for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) 
        if ($i ~ /^SRC=/) 
          print substr($i, 5) 
    }' /var/log/syslog |
  sort -u |
  while read ip; do
    printf ' === %s ===\n' "$ip"
    whois "$ip"

If you only want to select lines of syslog containing the string INVALID STATE, then the above code can be modified as follows

      for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) 
        if ($i ~ /^SRC=/) 
          print substr($i, 5) 
    }' /var/log/syslog |
  sort -u |
  while read ip; do
    printf ' === %s ===\n' "$ip"
    whois "$ip"
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