Ubuntu – How to use RDP protocol in Remote Desktop Viewer

11.04live-usbrdpremote desktop

I am using a Natty Live-USB, and the Remote Desktop Viewer application (Applications -> Internet -> Remote Desktop Viewer) only shows SSH & VNC protocols.

How can I include RDP in the list, in order to connect to existing Windows Remote Desktop sessions on Windows XP machines.

I am aware that I can use the gnome-rdp application, or even rdesktop hostname from a terminal, but I would like to create a persistent LiveUSB that uses Remote Desktop Viewer to connect to Windows RDP (port 3389).

I do not want to set up VNC, TeamViewer or any others, as these do not solve my problem due to the fact they need additional software on the remote hosts.

Best Answer

The versions of vinagre (the application you mention) included with all released versions of Ubuntu do not support the RDP protocol (the feature was added in 2.31.4, while Ubuntu 11.04 comes with 2.30.3).

So there are basically three options:

  1. Wait for a new Ubuntu version with an updated version of vinagre (the next release should be sufficient).
  2. Use some other application to connect to RDP servers such as tsclient.
  3. Acquire an updated version of vinagre from some other source.