Ubuntu – How to use Google Authenticator with OpenVPN server on Ubuntu 12.04


I have a working OpenVPN system on Ubuntu 12.04 and I'd like to add Google Authenticator for extra security.

This is my current openvpn config:

dev tun
proto udp
port 1096
ca ubuserv04-ca.crt
cert ubuserv04.crt
key ubuserv04.key
dh dh1024.pem
push "redirect-gateway def1"
push "route"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
log-append /var/log/openvpn-otp-1096-status.log

(This is just a test setup, I know I should change certain aspects of it but this works for now.)

On the client I have:

dev tun
proto udp
remote my.server.fqdn 1096
resolv-retry infinite
ca ubuserv04-ca.crt
cert user1.crt
key user1.key
verb 3

The above setup works fine: no errors, fast, stable.

I've tried several howtos to get Google Authenticator running but I end up troubleshooting side problems in those articles every time. I don't want to authenticate against the server's local user/password database, just the system I already have in place plus Google Authenticator.

I have Google Authenticator running; I installed it using apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator and have used it before to authenticate ssh sessions. That worked fine but I have now disabled that because it's just a test server and that particular test was finished.

Please be specific. I know I should add a plugin to my server's ovpn config and that I should add something to /etc/pam.d/openvpn but what exactly?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

/extra info

I've followed this article: http://www.howtoforge.com/securing-openvpn-with-a-one-time-password-otp-on-ubuntu
Instead of compiling from the source I've installed Google Authenticator with apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator.
I've also read, but not used in this case, these articles: http://www.howtogeek.com/121650/how-to-secure-ssh-with-google-authenticators-two-factor-authentication/ and http://zcentric.com/2012/10/09/google-authenticator-with-openvpn-for-2-factor-auth/. And I've read up on PAM, as suggested 😉

Now, here are some interesting developmens.

/etc/pam.d/openvpn has this:

account [success=2 new_authtok_reqd=done default=ignore]    pam_unix.so 
account [success=1 new_authtok_reqd=done default=ignore]    pam_winbind.so 
account requisite           pam_deny.so
account required            pam_permit.so
auth required pam_google_authenticator.so

As per the howto I copied the original from /etc/pam.d/common-account and added the last line.
Now if I comment the last line out, the OpenVPN connection succeeds. If the last line is not commented out however, /var/log/auth.log logs this:

PAM unable to dlopen(pam_google_authenticator.so): /lib/security/pam_google_authenticator.so: undefined symbol: pam_get_item
PAM adding faulty module: pam_google_authenticator.so

and /var/log/openvpn-otp-1096.log logs this:

PLUGIN_CALL: plugin function PLUGIN_AUTH_USER_PASS_VERIFY failed with status 1: /usr/lib/openvpn/openvpn-auth-pam.so
TLS Auth Error: Auth Username/Password verification failed for peer
e-using SSL/TLS context
AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: user 'martin' failed to authenticate: Module is unknown

The problem seems to be between PAM and Google Authenticator.

Google lists problems with other plugins but I can't really find information regarding Google Authenticator specifically.

Best Answer

Ok, Google is my friend.

I did this:

# apt-get purge libpam-google-authenticator
# download https://code.google.com/p/google-authenticator/downloads/list
# apt-get install libpam-dev

Add this to Makefile, right after the license:



# make
# make install
# service openvpn restart

Also, make sure /home/username/.google_authenticator has no rights at all except read rights for the user that's going to use it.

Now I need to enter my username that's my local username on the server (my shell account) as my OpenVPN username and the Google Authenticator 6-digit code as the password.

Now it works.

Thank you all for your time :)

(How can I mark this post as solved? Do I just edit the topic title?)

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