Ubuntu – How to use Cisco WebEx in Firefox on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.10


Looking at [1] it looks like there is a solution for getting webex run on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. However it does not work on Ubuntu 14.10.

Do you have any ideas?

[1] How can I use Cisco WebEx in Firefox on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04?

Best Answer

After installing the java prerequisites, I had issues getting screen/application sharing on 15.04 (64-bit) working, even though I was able to log in to the meeting and attempt to start screen sharing (i.e. there are no obvious indications things won't work), so after some digging was able to use the following command to get the required 32-bit libraries installed quickly:

sudo apt-get install $(ldd ~/.webex/\*/\*.so| awk '/not found/{print $1}' | sort -u | apt-file -l search -f -| egrep -v -- '(lib32z1|liboss4-salsa-asound2|gcc|gcj|jdk|jre|dbg$)'| sort -u| sed "s/$/:i386/")

I expect the commands would be very similar for 14.x so hopefully this is of some use to others.