Ubuntu – How to update the BIOS

biossoftware installation

I've been having some boot problems with it so I have Ubuntu and booted from the Drive. I wanted to update my BIOS to fix this issue but I don't have my product key so I looked up the website ( HP website that is ) and it could detect my product key so I tried it and it said that it only works for Windows and underneath that, it said that I should install Any of the following ( Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Chrome) browsers and I thought that I could use wine to run IE 8.

So can I get another software to run Windows things?
remember I am booting from usb.

Best Answer

@Cornelius answer will probably solve your WINE problem but:


If I understand correctly, you are trying to run a program that updates your BIOS. If that is the case, YOU CAN ONLY DO THAT WITH A NATIVE PROGRAM.

  1. It will definitely not work on a virtual machine (it will try to update the virtual machine's BIOS, not your real machine's one).

  2. Under WINE will probably fail to run, but it could even run and that could be MUCH more dangerous --- it could fail midway updating your BIOS and then you have a very expensive brick instead of a PC.

You can run the BIOS updater only with the operating system you downloaded it for. If it's Windows, so Windows. Sometime the manufacturer offer a MS-DOS version of the updater, that you can run in a bootable Free-DOS (search google) USB. Sometime no, and you have to ask them.

For example, to update the BIOS of my Samsung Chronos laptop, I had to install Windows in it. Sad.

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