Ubuntu – How to update Mozilla Firefox web browser on 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in a safe, secure, reliable, efficient and easiest way


I'm using 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my machine.

Currently, I'm using Mozilla Firefox 33.0(Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical – 1.0)

I'm not getting update option in menu Hrml->About Firefox but on when I visit few sites a pop-up appears at top of the browser window that asks me to update my current browser since it has become outdated.

But I don't know how to update my Firefox browser without Update link in Help->About Firefox menu.

Please provide me the best, effective and efficient solution on it.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You should find out what the latest packages available are, by first running:

sudo apt-get update

and then install the latest firefox:

sudo apt-get install firefox

Or you could install the latest "everything" with:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Ubuntu should have an updater (don't remember exact name) that checks for and asks you about installing (or optionally automatically installs) newer packages/software. Is yours not running or set to keep quiet?

And there's also apt-get dist-upgrade that upgrades Ubuntu to a newer release, but it's traditionally less reliable than a fresh install.

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