Ubuntu – How to unlock all tracks in Linux version of SuperTuxKart 0.9


I want to set up an open-source gaming party, kinda small, in my local area, all of the machines running Ubuntu. One of the games I plan on have there is SuperTuxKart, specifically the 0.9 version. I want to unlock everything in the game without taking the time to play through the entire campaign mode, so I figured that I would cheat. I've seen millions of guides telling you to modify ~/.config/supertuxkart/challenges.xml, but for the life of me I cannot find that file in that location. Please help, I need this up and running in a week or so.

Best Answer

Yay, I finally figured this out!

Find your configuration directory -- mine was in ~/.config/supertuxkart/0.8.2/.

Open players.xml and find where the challenges are listed under the <story-mode> tag.

Change all occurrences of solved="none" to solved="easy". (You can also say solved="hard"; I'm not sure what the difference is.)


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