Ubuntu – How to uninstall Visual Studio Code


I installed Visual Studio Code a while ago, and I'm now trying to remove it. I don't remember how I installed it, but everything I've tried to remove it doesn't work. Things I've tried:

  1. sudo umake web visual-studio-code --remove: This says "can't remove because you don't have it installed," which I know isn't true. I was able to find the files in /home/jacob/.local/share/umake/web/visual-studio-code. Deleting those files, by the way, stops the application from running, but doesn't remove the icon from the launcher. I restored the files once I figured that out.
  2. Removing via Software Center: It does show up in Software Center, but when I hit "remove" nothing happens.

Any other suggestions?

Best Answer

I did it with the following command:

sudo apt purge code

to uninstall the program and then:

sudo apt autoremove

to remove the menu items/shortcuts etc as @Joe suggested.

I hope it helps!

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