APT – How to Uninstall BOOST 1.49 and Install BOOST 1.54 in Ubuntu


I have a boost 1.49 in my ubuntu system. And I am trying to uninstall boost 1.49 and completely remove it from my system.

And after that install the Boost 1.54.0

I did like this to uninstall 1.49 from my system –

sudo apt-get --purge remove libboost-dev
sudo apt-get --purge remove libboost-all-dev

And after that when I do below command to see the version, it still says I have 1.49

cat /usr/include/boost/version.hpp | grep "BOOST_LIB_VERSION"
//  BOOST_LIB_VERSION must be defined to be the same as BOOST_VERSION
#define BOOST_LIB_VERSION "1_49"

Not sure why?

And I tried installing Boost 1.54.0 version like this –

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.54.0/boost_1_54_0.tar.gz/download
tar -xvzf boost_1_54_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_54_0/
./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=atomic,date_time,exception,filesystem,iostreams,locale,program_options,regex,signals,system,test,thread,timer,log
sudo ./b2 install

But still it is not showing me boost 1.54.0 version installed?

Any pointers how to remove BOOST 1.49 from my system and install BOOST 1.54 in my machine?

Best Answer

You need to uninstall the libboost1.49-dev package... actually, it should be removed with a single sudo apt-get autoremove. If you are not sure do this:

dpkg -S /usr/include/boost/version.hpp

This will return the package that has this file, then you can:

sudo apt-get autoremove package
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