Ubuntu – How to unbind a keyboard shortcut


I'm wondering how I can unbind Ctrl+Space to bring up desktop/minimize windows. Whenever I jump and crouch in an FPS it minimizes the game. I searched and found people saying to edit lubuntu-rc.xml but I couldn't find Ctrl and Space bindings in there (I might have missed it, could be wrong)

Btw, this only happens when I hold them both down for a second, as opposed to alt tab when I press alt+tab at the same time it changes windows instantly. Also this only happens in the FPS game which is weird. I just switched to Lubuntu from Ubuntu so I don't know why this suddenly started happening it didn't do this on Ubuntu

EDIT; no need to answer, I solved it. I'm not sure why this only happened in game but in case someone has this same problem I went to Menu > Preferences > Keyboard Input Methods and where it says Next Input Method I deleted the bind to control space.

Best Answer

As the user seems to have been off-line for quite a while, answering the question for it, so that other people will not try to solve "unsolved" questions:

In Lubuntu, go to Menu > Preferences > Keyboard Input Methods and where it says Next Input Method delete the bind to Ctrl+space.

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