I'm new to Linux, and I've just installed Ubuntu on my Dell inspiron 15R Special Edition.
The ATI Radeon HD 7730M is running by default, instead of the on-board intel HD Graphics 4000. I searched as much as possible on the internet and found no solution so far. I believe someone would help me here.
Best Answer
The ATI driver available at Ubuntu Additional Drivers don't install correctly. To fix this issue, install the latest stable version from the ATI suporte site and you'll get the AMD Catalyst Control Center, a GUI with an option to Switchable Graphics.
To install it, follow the instructions below.
1) First, check the software sources, then paste this command into the terminal to install the dependencies:
1-A) ONLY IF you have a 64 bit system, do this EXTRA step:
2) Paste these commands into the terminal to create a new folder and download the latest catalyst driver:
3-A) IF you have Intel HD graphics AND discrete ATI GPU, then do this, click NEXT > NEXT > etc (and reboot):
3-B) ONLY IF you have just the ATI Graphics card, then try to do this instead, but it could take a while:
4-A) Overwrite the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file(anyway):
4-B) Force the use of the new xorg.conf file:
6) Reboot the computer and you're done:
7) To verify your installation, in terminal type:
8) To switch between the GPUs, run one of the following commands and re-start X to take effect
8-A) Activate discrete GPU (High-Performance mode), must re-start X to take effect
8-B) Activate integrated GPU (Power-Saving mode), must re-start X to take effect
http://blog.wapnet.nl/2012/07/ubuntu-12-04-install-ati-videodrivers/ http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Hardware http://support.amd.com/br/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=191&t=112234 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1930450