Password – How to Turn Off All Password Prompts


I've been using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS since release and am trying to figure out a couple things about all of these passwords and key-ring prompts that I've just been living with for a while.

Ever since install it seems that every time I boot up my computer and want to do anything (ie. use the internet, use a internet browser, install something, delete something, pick my nose) I'm always prompted for either a normal password entry or a key-ring password entry.

Is there anyway to turn off all of this "security" and tell my Ubuntu that it can trust what I'm doing and go take a shower?

Best Answer

Open dash, search for passwords and keys and open it. You can remove the passwords for the keyring here (in the tab password). It -should- ask for a new password -once- after that and not ask it again.

Is there anyway to turn off all of this "security" and tell my Ubuntu that it can trust what I'm doing and go take a shower?

You can leave the new password for the keyring blank. It will complain it is unsafe to do so. Accept it and it should never bug you again. And taking a shower should not depend on Ubuntu passwords!