Ubuntu – How to totally remove the nginx from ubuntu 14.04 LTS


I have un-install all the nginx related packages.(like this answer said https://askubuntu.com/a/457412/383308), after that I run the command below command gives nothing.

sudo find / -name 'nginx'

When I run such command, I have one result:

zyh@zyh-desktop:~$ ps -ef | grep nginx
zyh       2666  2442  0 11:12 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto nginx

But when I open the browser, and enter, I still see a welcome page of the nginx. See below:
nginx web service is still alive

I think my problem is quite similar to this one [SOLVED] nginx running, but … not installed, but after run the command

sudo update-rc.d -f nginx remove
sudo rm /etc/init.d/nginx

And after the reboot, I can still see the nginx page from Any ideas how to totally remove nginx. Thanks.

PS: I have used the auto-remove option to uninstall all the nginx* packages, and I see that my desktop is removed, and I later install a new ubuntu desktop.

It looks like I can open a python http server on the 80 port, such as below

zyh@zyh-desktop:~/Downloads/code/share-file$ sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload 80
Serving HTTP on port 80 ...

While when I open the Firefox browser, and type, I still see the nginx welcome page.

Best Answer

Please stop nginx first then try it to remove:

sudo apt-get purge nginx nginx-common


sudo apt-get remove nginx-core nginx-full nginx-light nginx-extras nginx-naxsi nginx-common
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