GParted – How to Merge Two Partitions Using GParted


This is my current partition map:

enter image description here

I am currently running GParted in an Ubuntu 12.04 live environment. I am having trouble finding out how to merge my unallocated space with /dev/sda2. I have heard that the partitions must be adjacent to each other to be able to merge, and if so I am 99% sure that if I reinstall my Ubuntu partition (/dev/sda3) to start at the end of the unallocated space rather than the beginning, I will be able to somehow MacGyver my way through this, although this is a last resort if even possible at all. I could use any help whatsoever.

Best Answer

(1)If you delete the extended partition that is there, sda3 in your case, and reinstall it at the end of the drive you will be able to extend the windows 7 partition to use the free space. You could also do this in the other order, delete the partition, extend windows, then re install ubuntu.

(2)You might be able to just move the partitions but that will depend on where you installed grub, on the partition or on the hard disk MBR. I would burn a bootloader such as chimera to a cd in case this dosent work 100%, it will probably allow you to boot into windows/ ubuntu anyway.