Ubuntu – How to stop Tor from exiting


Hi sorry for asking this question i've googeled for this solution but i didnt find anything! I've installed tor or vadalia but when i want to run it it give me this error :

Vidalia detected that the Tor software exited unexpectedly.

I dont know how to stop it! sorry because i'm newbie in ubuntu and i knew that my qestion is so redculous but i need to connect to the internet by tor and i cant fix it ! tnxxxxx alot for responding!

Best Answer

In order to use tor. Install tor which will install polipo as a recommended package.

What you need to configure is polipo/privoxy for tor as your are using http proxy. Tor doesnot use 8118 as its port it uses 9050 and it is a socks proxy. You can use this configuration for polipo to use with tor. Just do:

sudo wget https://gitweb.torproject.org/torbrowser.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/build-scripts/config/polipo.conf -O /etc/polipo/config

sudo service tor stop && sudo service polipo stop

sudo service tor start && sudo service polipo start

tor needs to start before polipo, or else polipo will occupy the 9050 port and tor will start with errors

I am giving much focus here on polipo because tor itself recommends polipo and is installed by default on tor installation. You can use privoxy in place of polipo as well. Most of the tor users recommend using the default socks proxy if the application handles it.

If you want to connect everything through tor you need to set system proxy with System Settings > Network > Network Proxy

And then setup proxy to and port to 8118. Use socks proxy where supported just change port to 9050 and type to socks5.

Optionally, install any browser proxy switch addons, I use chromium with proxyswitchy. Similary choose one for firefox if you use firefox. AFAIK pidgin, xchat, thunderbird support socks5 proxy. I think firefox also supports socks5.

Tor check failed though Vidalia shows green onion