Ubuntu – How to stop GNOME 3 from asking the wireless password multiple times


When I login to my account the system ask me for my wifi password in a prompt that looks like the main ubuntu screen and later again with the gnome 3 look and maybe 2 or 3 more times, sometimes the third time it connects and some it dont. I'm lost.

Best Answer

I will assume you're running Network Manager. Right Click on the Network Manager symbol (in the top row on your screen. On my system, it is just Left of my speaker symbol), scroll down to "Edit Connections". A popup will open. Click on the "Wireless tab". "Add" or "Edit" a connection, and fill in your information in all of the tabs.

To find out what's happening, here's what I would do:

  1. Do nothing, until the password prompt pops up again.

  2. Deal with the password prompt.

  3. Do ls -lrt /var/log to get a list of recently modified log files.

  4. Look at the last several lines of each recently modified log file. Either post the messages here, or figure out what they mean on your own.

Possibly the wireless AP you're connecting to is getting reset somehow.

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