Ubuntu – How to speed up the Android Emulator in ubuntu 12.10


On Ubuntu 12.10, Android Emulator is too slow, how can I speed it up?

I installed SDK with adt-bundle-linux-x86-20130219.

I tried to use host GPU and get some more speed, but when I launch it, there is still some lagging.

Best Answer

It's fairly simple, just enable kvm acceleration in these steps (linux only):

  1. create x86 image of phone (CPU/ABI: Intel Atom (x86))
  2. pass these arguments:
     -qemu -m 512 -enable-kvm 

That's it pretty much (lets not bother with gpu acceleration and other fancy stuff). When compared with classic arm version, it speeds it up tenfold.

This should be easy to setup with android studio, just go into avd manager, create x86 device and then in main menu go to Run -> Edit configuration -> Emulator (tab) -> aditional command line parameters: "-qemu -m 512 -enable-kvm".