GNOME – Solving Compiz Wobbly Windows and GNOME Conflict


I've been a fan of Compiz's wobbly windows since I discovered them in 10.04. It's always been one of the first things I enabled. I still have it memorized: Appearance Preferences>Visual Effects>Extra. {I stole the below image from here}

An image I stole that shows the above Appearance Preferences window.

But I discovered GNOME 3.2 yesterday. And you can't take me away from it no matter how hard you try. Of course, I wanted my wonderful wobbly windows to work with GNOME… but that turned out to be really hard.

I tried the obvious compiz –replace, but to no avail. It simply kills GNOME and doesn't start anything, leaving my windows stranded, borderless, on the screen, with no way for me to logout or shutdown. I installed all {yes, all} Compiz settings manager-thingies. I changed settings once, twice, and four hundred times.

Of course, Unity tried to grab me by letting me use Compiz's wobbly windows freely and easily. Don't worry, GNOME, I won't leave you!

I've now spent countless hours trying to get the two best things in the universe, GNOME and wobbly windows, to work with each other, but nothing works.

I've done over 25 Bing searches, and I've installed countless bytes' worth of Compiz and GNOME settings managers, but to no avail.

How can I get my new best friend, GNOME 3.2, to work with my old best friend, Wobbly Windows? I'd even be willing to accept a non-Compiz wobbly windows solution, but I don't think anybody makes Wobbly Windows except Compiz.

Best Answer

Gnome shell uses mutter instead of compiz, and as such, does not use any compiz configurations or extensions. Currently (to my knowledge) there isn't any support in mutter for wobbly windows.