Ubuntu – How to shorten the bash prompt’s current path to one letter per directory

bashbashrccommand lineprompt

I can't remember where, but I've already seen the bash prompt's current path shortened in an interesting way: every directory contained in the path (excepted the last one) is replaced by its first letter only. For instance: path/to/some/directory would be shortened to p/t/s/directory.

How can I reproduce that behavior ?

Best Answer

After playing with this for a while I got the answer you require:

Add this to your .bashrc file in your home directory, exit the terminal and renter it and you will get you prompt.

PS1='$(eval "sps")$ '
sps() {
   echo "$PWD" | sed -r 's|/([^/]{,2})[^/]*|/\1|g'

It uses the declared function sps() to evaluate the path every time the variable PS1 which is the prompt, is displayed


/ho/de/De/Ap/Ti$ pwd

Or...if you insist on the one letter

PS1='$(eval "sps")$ '
sps() {
   echo "$PWD" | sed -r 's|/(.)[^/]*|/\1|g'

Which displays:

/h/d/D/A/T$ pwd