Ubuntu – How to set Windows bootloader as default bootloader

bootloaderdual-bootwindows 7

I have a Win 7/11.10 dual boot system with Grub 2 as the default bootloader. However, I want to make Windows bootloader the default bootloader (grub 'dos' like interface scrares the hell out of my sister) so when I start the PC I will have the following boot options:
1. Windows 7
2. Ubuntu

NB: A process to reverse this operation so Grub can be the default bootloader again will also be appreciated

Best Answer

There is a programm for windows called easy bcd. Install it when running windows and the proceed a described in the following link:

how to use easy bcd

Nevertheless I think also the other answers are valid as the question was basically how to avoid that the sister is scared by grub to choose windows if necessary.

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