Ubuntu – How to set up a private apt repository that can support multiple versions


I'm looking on how to setup a private apt repository (on 10.04 LTS) that can support multiple versions.

I understand that you cannot have multiple versions of a package installed on a server. This is a purely for a development environment where we want to be able to test multiple versions before releasing them to the production apt repository.

I know you can have multiple versions by putting the version number in the package name, however I want to achieve the opposite, support multiple versions of a same package name.

e.g. packagename_1.0_all.deb and packagename_2.0_all.deb rather than packagename-1.0_1.0_all.deb and packagename-2.0_2.0_all.deb

For those that are familiar with Puppet automated eployment – we can specify what version of a package we want on a server (with the ensure tag using the same package name).

I've tried Google's debmarshal described at http://wiki.debian.org/HowToSetupADebianRepository but could not get it to work due to a lack of documentation.

Best Answer

I needed a multi-versioned repo for the same reasons like you and this is what I ended up with:

apt-get install apache2 dpkg-dev
mkdir -p /var/www/repo/binary

Then create update-repo.sh that will update your repo with the packages' info

cd /var/www/repo
dpkg-scanpackages -m binary /dev/null | gzip -9c > /var/www/repo/binary/Packages.gz

Place your .deb files in /var/www/repo/binary and run update-repo.sh

On the rest of the machines:

echo "deb http://myserver/repo binary" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/myrepo.list
apt-get update

etc etc...

The magic happens because of -m when running dpkg-scanpackages. Without -m, only one version is listed in Packages.gz

I haven't tried it but it should be trivial to do the same for separate sub-repos, like hbdgaf proposed.

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