How to Set Background Color of Gnome-Terminal Using Gconftool-2


I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and I want to set the background color of my gnome-terminal using the command line.
From what I can tell gconftool-2 is the way to do this but I cant work out what the command is to do this.

my ~/.gconf/apps directory looks like:

├── %gconf.xml
├── gnome-terminal
│   ├── %gconf.xml
│   └── profiles
│       ├── Default
│       │   └── %gconf.xml
│       └── %gconf.xml
└── nm-applet
    └── %gconf.xml 

If I run

gconftool-2 -a /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default

I get a long list of key value pairs, e.g. pairs like this

scroll_on_output = false
 cursor_blink_mode = system
 background_color = #28F528F528F5

which I believe belong to the "default" gnome-terminal profile, but how do I then set these values using gconftool-2 ?

Ive worked out I can "get" values with

gconftool-2 --get /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/background_color

but not sure how to assign a new variable, in this case I would guess its a string, e.g. I would expect it to be something like

gconftool-2 --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/background_color --type=string: #ababab

or something like that?

Best Answer

Apparently gconftool-2 does not work anymore, however dconf did work for me. Close gnome-terminal and run this in xterm or another terminal emulator, or even tty.

Step 1: find the id of your desired profile

dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/ | awk '/\[:/||/visible-name=/'

My output:


So my Default profile has id :98707df3-b227-4a01-ae76-310f8270b9bd

Step 2: allow for using custom colors instead of system colors

sudo dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:98707df3-b227-4a01-ae76-310f8270b9bd/use-theme-colors "false"

Step 3: set your desired background color

sudo dconf write /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:98707df3-b227-4a01-ae76-310f8270b9bd/background-color "'#ABAB9B9B6060'"

Step 4: (re)start gnome-terminal.