Ubuntu – How to set default save folder in Gimp


Every time I want to export a file, gimp opens /tmp folder but I want to change this to ~/Downloads or any other folder.

How can I do this permanently?


Gimp seems to remember export folder for already exported files.

But when I use xfce4-screenshooter app to import the screenshot and then try to save it – the folder is set to /tmp.

Is there any way to point it to different folder in this case ?

I am not using any specific Desktop Environment – just i3 with a bunch of additional apps.

Best Answer

There does not appear to be a direct method to do this with Gimp but there is an acceptable work-around that may be enough for you. Use the following 3 steps:

1. Export the Image. First use the 'Export Image' as usual:

enter image description here

2. Set your preferred location. Next navigate to your preferred location and then use the '+' key at the bottom left of the screen to set this location permanently in the Gimp preferences. In my example here I am using ~/test:

enter image description here

3. Export your next image. Next time you Export an image you will see your desired location in an easily accessible, single click location:

enter image description here

Not perhaps a perfect solution but this will hopefully fulfil your needs...