Ubuntu – How to set a Compose Key in Ubuntu 18.04


Now that Unity is gone, the usual way of setting a Compose Key (via Keyboard Preferences > Layout) no longer works (because in Ubuntu 18.04, Devices > Keyboard has no Layout tab).

How do we set a Compose Key in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver?

Best Answer

You may use (GNOME) Tweaks to set the option.

First install Tweaks by running

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

(or sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool).

Alternatively, for those who prefer the GUI:

  1. launch the Ubuntu Software application.

  2. search for "gnome tweaks".

  3. install.

Then launch Tweaks and go to "Keyboard & Mouse" section. The "Compose Key" options is disabled by default. Click on the "Disabled" button.

enter image description here

Then a window will pop up. Toggle the switch at the top on and then you'll be select the compose key

enter image description here