How to Send a Window to a Different Workspace Without Changing the Active Workspace in GNOME


Is there a keyboard shortcut to send a window into a different workspace, while remaining in the current workspace, so that I can ignore it for now?

I'm using a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 with the default GNOME interface. On win10, I am used to sending a windows to a different workspace so that it won't bother me for now, thanks to virtualdesktopenhancer.

This question is exactly the same, except that it's not about GNOME but about XFCE. I have not tried whether the answers there work also for GNOME, because I'm hoping for an easier answer.
If there are no easier answers, I would appreciate an answer that also explains how to set up such a keyboard shortcut.

This question is an exact duplicate on a sister site – without valid answers. I'm asking here because this is specific to ubuntu.

Best Answer

I am not using Gnome right now, but I see under Focus or open window in gnome on keyboard shortcut that wmctrl works with Gnome.

So, I paste from an answer under the question you linked (on Xfce):

Move active window to workspace 1:

wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -t 0  

Move active window to workspace 2:

wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -t 1 

Move active window to workspace 3:

wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -t 2  
